Friday, August 28, 2009

PR 101: Lesson 8: Make sure your TV shot backs-up your message

Below is a video I ran across after Thanksgiving 2008. It shows then Alaska Governor Sarah Palin giving a television interview. That's good.

She's giving the interview to a local station after she did the ceremonial pardoning of a turkey before Thanksgiving. That's good.

While the interview is being conducted, turkeys are being culled directly in the line-of-sight of the camer. That's NOT good.

I've always taken pride in the camera shots I line up for my Principals. Whether it's a seated interview with a bookshelf in the background which has a well-placed logo, or an inpromptu on-camera interview for a gubernatorial candidate, I ALWAYS make sure the shot isn't distracting, and is complimentary to the interviewee and the topic.

Heck, even as a volunteer when I organized a press conference for Mecklenburg County Commissioner Karen Bently -- I didn't let it begin until the appropriate flags arrived AND I arranged them properly in the camera shot.

It's just basic image management -- and is essential in this day of "Viral Videos" when a bad shot can last indefinitely.

As a communications professional, I am offended that somebody was getting paid to do her PR. The sad thing is that all they needed to do was move 10 feet to the left, and closer to the pen, and they would've had a shot with happy living turkeys, and NO slaughtering. Quick and easy.

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